Each tree we plant in Tennessee delivers tangible and measurable economic and ecological benefits to environment, communities and public health. Here are some of the more noteworthy values derived as each tree is planted, then grows to maturity.
Each tree we plant…
Each tree we plant…
- Removes .2 tons of CO2 annually (source: http://www.carbonify.com/carbon-calculator.htm calculated based on the average sized car getting 21 miles per gallon)
- Intercepts 1,000 gallons of stormwater annually (sources: http://urbanforestrynetwork.org/benefits/water.htm and Center for Urban Forest Research, USDA – cufr.ucdavis.edu)
- Provides $1,250 per year in air pollution controls (by filtering particulates and other harmful pollutants) (source: http://urbanforestrynetwork.org/benefits/air%20quality.htm)
- Generates $638 worth of Oxygen every year (source: http://urbanforestrynetwork.org/benefits/air%20quality.htm)
- Generates $9.6 in-kind labor value from volunteers we recruit planting these trees (source: http://grantspace.org/tools/knowledge-base/Nonprofit-Management/Employment-Volunteering/monetary-value-of-volunteer-time — $24 per hour value x 2 volunteer-hours per 5 trees — estimated from 100K Tree Day data) estimated volunteer time to plant one seedling = 24 minutes, or .4 hours x $24 = $9.6)
Learn How These Trees Benefit Pollinators