Lead the solutions in your community.
About the Program
TEC’s vision is to realize thriving habitats, climate balance, and a circular economy in Tennessee. As a small nonprofit with limited resources, we only have the capacity to do so much with our current staff. We created the Tennessee Environmental Ambassadors (TEA) Program to amplify the impact of our work by engaging dedicated participants who have this same vision and want to go above and beyond basic TEC program participation.
What do Ambassadors do?
Ambassadors do more than just participate in TEC's programs, (i.e. reserving trees for TN Tree Day, registering for Generate Some Buzz, volunteering for one day at a field project). Ambassadors will help increase TEC's capacity to affect change by manifesting eco-consciousness in their communities. They will do this by building relationships with their communities and elected officials, initiating civic engagement actions (ACE), helping to build district-level policy change, teaching their neighbors to value our shared environment, and engaging others in activities that improve our environment. They are also a point of contact within the TEC network for their local communities. All the while, Ambassadors are in contact with one another in order to build connections across the state for a stronger, more sustainable Tennessee.
Examples of Ambassador Civic Engagement (ACE) actions:
1. Connect with local elected officials and community leaders to let them know that their neighbors and friends are taking action to create a healthier environment.
2. Intentionally engaging with communities of color, and lower economic status, who are disproportionately affected by environmental injustices.
3. Leading events in local communities that are intended to improve the environment.
Examples of Ambassador Civic Engagement (ACE) actions:
1. Connect with local elected officials and community leaders to let them know that their neighbors and friends are taking action to create a healthier environment.
2. Intentionally engaging with communities of color, and lower economic status, who are disproportionately affected by environmental injustices.
3. Leading events in local communities that are intended to improve the environment.
Why it Matters
- Ambassadors will contribute to creating positive environmental change in their community.
- We need more Tennesseans advocating for positive environmental policy.
- To create stronger community networks to improve our environment.
Why Become an Ambassador?
Become an Ambassador to use your skills and experience to improve your local environment and community. As an Ambassador, you will work alongside TEC to better your own community, and in turn, the world.
What is Required to be an Ambassador?
1. You must commit to attending at least 4 meetings a year.
2. You must be eager and willing to complete at least one civic engagement action (ACE) per quarter.
3. You must apply by clicking the button below and be approved to participate.
2. You must be eager and willing to complete at least one civic engagement action (ACE) per quarter.
3. You must apply by clicking the button below and be approved to participate.
Interested? Check out our next Ambassador meeting on
August 29th, 2024 @ 7pm Central
Please reach out to the Environmental Ambassadors Coordinator, Elliot Payne at [email protected], with any questions.
Visit TEC's volunteer web page to learn more about our volunteer opportunities!
Please reach out to the Environmental Ambassadors Coordinator, Elliot Payne at [email protected], with any questions.
Visit TEC's volunteer web page to learn more about our volunteer opportunities!